Where is the back Third of the tongue exactly? and where to put it on the palate exactly?
Where is the back Third of the tongue exactly? and where to put it on the palate exactly?
@Guts Hey :) While mewing primarily focuses on proper tongue posture and positioning it on the roof of the mouth, some individuals may experience a slight activation or flexing of the jaw m...
Should the masseter muscles activate when mewing? should i feel my jaw flex when mewing?
@Mohamed Hello! I understand that you're facing some concerns with your overbite getting worse while noticing improvements in your jawline after practicing mewing for four months. It is not ...
@John Hey John, When practicing soft mewing, it is normal to feel less tension or pressure in your jaw compared to hard mewing. The goal of soft mewing is to establish proper tongue posture...
Hello i need help , it's been 4 months now since i started mewing i had an overbite and now it's worse than before , but my jawline is so much better how can i fix this please 😊
I recently began mewing through hard mewing. I realized that I should soft mew first. Now that I’m doing soft mewing for the 1st time, I don’t feel any tension in my jaw or any pressur...
@Rashed Hey Rashed, Here is what I think is happening. And I have seen cases like thgis,. The sagging of the area under your jaw could potentially be due to changes in muscle tone and post...
Hey, I've noticed the area under my jaw sags alot more when im not mewing compared to a few months back when I dont mew. Why is that? And what can be the cause
@Bob Hey Bob. If you mean the suture, which is the ridge that splits your palate in two. The middle of your tongue should ligne up with this line. It is common that people choose a side for...
Does it matter which side of the bony "wall" like thing at the middle of the front upper palete the tip of the tongue is positioned? I don't really know the name of the thing, but it's located at t...
@Bob No worries Glad to help, always. Well yes. So fixed retainers are the ones that may allow for expansion of the back of the palate, aka the molar area. As they usually and I say "usuall...
@Mewing Thanks for the answer! Do you know if there is any kind of retainer that can still allow somw movement of the maxilla?
@Guênimaruu So you should have a butterfly touch. The whole teeth should be lightly touching, but that depends on your bite. Some people may not be able to have the front teeth and mol...
@Bob Hey Bob, While mewing, the teeth should ideally have no or very light contact with each other. The goal is to have the entire tongue resting on the roof of the mouth, which naturally c...
@Mike Hey Mike; When applying pressure while mewing, it is generally recommended to apply gentle upward pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue. The goal is to maintain proper t...
Am basically having a reccesed chin, Should I apply pressure upwards or forwards?
As the title states, I'm wondering how to teeth are supposed to be positioned while mewing? My teeth tend to have some light contact with each other? Also wondering if having retainers might give ...
Are they supposed to touch or is it just the molars ?