
  • Where is the back Third of the tongue exactly? and where to put it on the palate exactly?

  • @Guts 

    Hey man,

    In the context of mewing, the back third of the tongue refers to the posterior region of the tongue, which is located towards the back of the mouth. When mewing, you want to ensure that your entire tongue, including the back third, is resting on the roof of your mouth.

    To position your tongue correctly on the palate, you can follow these steps:

    1. Start by swallowing. During the swallowing motion, the back of your tongue naturally rises and presses against the roof of your mouth (palate).
    2. After swallowing, maintain the tongue posture that was achieved during the swallowing motion. Keep your entire tongue in contact with the roof of your mouth, including the back third.
    3. Breathe through your nose while keeping your tongue in this position.
    4. Aim to maintain this tongue posture throughout the day, even during sleep.

    Mewing is a technique that requires practice and conscious effort at first, but over time, it may become more subconscious and habitual.

    Keep mewing, and don't hesitate to ask a question again whenever you have one!

    See ya ;)

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