I really need help, this is affecting my mental health very negetively

  • I am 27 M who resides in Winnipeg, Canada. I have some problems regarding my bite and have been causing some issues. So, went to a well-known ortho in my area and they are confident that they can fix my bite problems (deep bite and cross bite) so finally got convinced and hopped to an Invisalign plan, on tray 11 now, changing trays every week. My ortho said that it would help to expand my dental arch to widen my arch so that I can have that wide smile and correct my bite. According to their 3d model planning of my treatment, I did see that my arch would get wider and all my teeth should fit perfectly. After a few weeks now where I am at, I can see that my face is getting more and more sunken as the week progresses. I just to let you know that I tried mewing seriously ever since COVID-19, but it didn't do anything for me. I had a jaw click whenever I tried to open my mouth since the crossbite made my bite uneven so my jaw wouldn't close optimally. Now that I am on the route to correct my deep bite and cross bite while wearing Invisalign, my face seems a lot more tired-looking. Nonexistent cheekbones, droopy eyes, and whatnot.  What should I do at this point? Is there any hope for me, a 27-year-old Male? What steps should I take X-ray sidenow? What kind of surgery should I go for? I have attached my X-ray scans and my mouth profile for reference

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