It could be due to a habit of using the cheeks to swallow. Which is simpler to fix, as you just have to retrain yourself and your tongue to swallow properly. Or it could be due to the fact that yo...
It could be due to a habit of using the cheeks to swallow. Which is simpler to fix, as you just have to retrain yourself and your tongue to swallow properly. Or it could be due to the fact that yo...
You might have a tongue tie or you're probably still not used to nose breathing to make sure tape your mouth at night, if the tape falls off that means you're mouth breathing. It probably contribut...
I've made illustrations to explain my problem Currently i suck on my lips and thrust my tongue to swallow. What can i do to engage middle of tongue and drop back of the tongue to swallow s...
@Mewing Can you check this post? Thank you
@Mewing Now, when you are ready to swallow, make sure that your tongue is in the correct position, with the tip resting against the roof of your mouth, and the back of your tongue gently t...
What does that mean exactly? It returns to the normal position after swallow but i don't think this should happen during swallowing.