My tongue bursts into front teeth when swallowing, is that normal?

  • What does that mean exactly? It returns to the normal position after swallow but i don't think this should happen during swallowing.

  • Ok I see.

    When you swallow, you want to make sure that your tongue is in the correct position and does not touch your front teeth. If your tongue is touching your front teeth, it could be a sign of a narrow palate or improper technique.

    Improver vs proper swallow

    To adjust your technique, focus on adjusting your head, neck, and body posture. Make sure that your head is in a neutral position, and that your neck is elongated. You want to avoid any excessive tilting or straining of your neck. Also, ensure that your body is relaxed, and your shoulders are down.

    Now, when you are ready to swallow, make sure that your tongue is in the correct position, with the tip resting against the roof of your mouth, and the back of your tongue gently touching your molars. Then, using the motion of your tongue, push the food or liquid to the back of your mouth, and swallow without moving your tongue forward.

    Remember, the key is to keep your tongue in the correct position and avoid any contact with your front teeth. With practice, you will be able to swallow without even thinking about it.

    Ps: we would really appreciate it if you spread the word on our forum on reddit or other mewers ! :)

  • @Mewing 

    Now, when you are ready to swallow, make sure that your tongue is in the correct position, with the tip resting against the roof of your mouth, and the back of your tongue gently touching your molars. Then, using the motion of your tongue, push the food or liquid to the back of your mouth, and swallow without moving your tongue forward.

    How do i push the food to back of my mouth and not move my tongue forward though?

  • The tongue does a sweeping motion. It does not move forward. Perhaps it is because you did not master the technic yet.

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