I've had braces for 3 months for my 6mm diastema and a slight overjet. My gap is 2mm now but I've noticed my smile is less wide and my molars were tilted inwards and the front teeth have been retra...
I've had braces for 3 months for my 6mm diastema and a slight overjet. My gap is 2mm now but I've noticed my smile is less wide and my molars were tilted inwards and the front teeth have been retra...
I've had braces for 3 months for my 6mm diastema and a slight overjet. My gap is 2mm now but I've noticed my smile is less wide and my molars were tilted inwards and the front teeth have been retra...
I am 27 M who resides in Winnipeg, Canada. I have some problems regarding my bite and have been causing some issues. So, went to a well-known ortho in my area and they are confident that they can f...
Whinch limbs, in addition to the neck and back, should i exercise to acquire correct posture?
am an 13 year old with a recessed chin and a overbite.I have a recessed chin and a very small jaw when biting with my molars. I usually move my jaw forward wantedly so that my chin does ...
pls do analyse would be appreciated
Ive been an active mogger for my 5 years of life. And in those years of logging Ive still have yet to find a way to mew properly Ive asked many other forums and they have yet to give me a solid ans...
When I mew it looks like im taking a shit
I was mewing about during day not full day, but periodically and when I stopped then I noticed that I have a clicks in the jaw while I've been opening mouth,сhewing. Is this consequences of bad tec...
must be narrow growth maxmilla. just hard mew.@Nig
Is this allowed? Can someone explain in more detail what exactly the sides of the tongue should be touching?
Hey there John, So the first thing is that we do not recommend hard mewing as it can cause issues in both the jaw and tmj area. However is it quite common that the jaw widdens first from th...
Hi! I have been hard mewing for a couple of weeks. My face is getting wider but jawline is remaining recessed. My jawline is not pushing forward and I'm just getting a wider face. how do I...
keep teeth in light contact until u start to notice some changes, after that u js can continue mewing without any teeth touch.
So ive been mewing for about a year, for the most of it i did my best to keep teeth in light contact. Until i saw some people say that when you have mal occlusions you should keep your teeth spread...
Aparte de mewing que más hiciste , cuál era tu rutina ?
I have an underbite, it's mainly because my maxilla hasn't grown forward completely. Also, my lips are not symmetrical. I have been mewing for a year now. But there's only change in my mandib...
Hey, i notice that whenever i yawn, and after yawning i close my mouth, my tongue doesn't go to the roof of the mouth by itself, now i could press it up there, but i always heard that you shouldn't...