How can i fix my swallowing? (illustration)

  • I've made illustrations to explain my problem


    Currently i suck on my lips and thrust my tongue to swallow. What can i do to engage middle of tongue and drop back of the tongue to swallow simultaneously?

  • Hey there, thank you for your question.

    So the thrusting can be due to multiple reasons.

    It could be due to a habit of using the cheeks to swallow. Which is simpler to fix, as you just have to retrain yourself and your tongue to swallow properly.

    Or it could be due to the fact that you have a narrow palate. The narrow palate can make it very hard to swallow properly. So I would recommend figuring that out first.

    Tongue chewing can be great to help you gain control over the back third of the tongue. And it is essential to train the tongue, after all that is what it is all about.

    I hope that helps:)

    Please try to engage in other posts, to get a strong community ;)

  • It could be due to a habit of using the cheeks to swallow. Which is simpler to fix, as you just have to retrain yourself and your tongue to swallow properly.

    Or it could be due to the fact that you have a narrow palate. The narrow palate can make it very hard to swallow properly. So I would recommend figuring that out first.

    I don't have any of both of these. But my lips move a little bit when swallowing. I think it's the reason to my issue, how can i retain them from moving?

  • Yes that could be another cause. You need to practice it. the best way, I found. Is practicing infront of the mirror. Your whole face should essentially not move at all if you look at your front profile. You need to develop the habit. And to be honest, swallowing properly may be one of the most difficult parts of mewing.

    But keep practicing build the habit and you will get there. You need to retrain a habit, which takes time.

    Hope that helps man.

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