
  • s

  • Thank you for your Question.

    Based on the picture you provided, it appears that you have a narrow palate. This is a condition that can have various effects on your dental health and facial structure. One common symptom of a narrow palate is teeth marks or scalloping on the sides of the tongue. This occurs when the tongue is constantly pressing against the teeth due to insufficient space in the mouth.

    Upon closer examination of the picture, it seems that your intermolar width is less than 50mm, which is considered to be narrower than average. However, there is good news. With consistent and proper mewing techniques, you can gradually expand your palate over time. Here is a test to know if it is wide or not, try smiling, and notice how many teeth can you see, also check for a buccal corridor, as seen below.

    It is important to continue mewing as a way to address the narrow palate and improve your oral health. It may take some time, but with patience and dedication, you should see some positive changes in the width of your palate and the alignment of your teeth.


    Ps: dont hesitate to comment on other posts. We need to start a community.

  • Narrow pallet is falio you need to address asap with mewing also thumbpullimg I know multiple ppl who have expanded 4mm+ 


    also chop an apple into 1/3 bite down with your top teeth and you can measure your imprint from there 

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