masseter muscles

  • Should the masseter muscles activate when mewing? should i feel my jaw flex when mewing?

  • @Guts 

    Hey :)

    While mewing primarily focuses on proper tongue posture and positioning it on the roof of the mouth, some individuals may experience a slight activation or flexing of the jaw muscles, including the masseter muscles. This is because maintaining proper tongue posture and applying consistent pressure on the palate can engage various muscles in the face and jaw area.

    Think about it, the tongue should push the lower jaw down as they are opposite reactions, which means that you do need to slightly contract you masseter muscles to keep your teeth in a butterfly bite.

    However, it's important to note that the intensity of muscle activation or the sensation of the jaw flexing may vary from person to person.

    Some individuals may feel more muscle engagement, while others may feel minimal to no sensation in their jaw muscles while mewing. The primary goal of mewing is to maintain the correct tongue posture and position rather than consciously flexing the jaw muscles.

    Remember, everyone's experience with mewing may be different, and it's always a good idea to listen to your body. If you have any concerns or questions about mewing dont hesitate to less us know ;)

    Keep mewing!

  • @Mewing what is the butterfly bite?

  • @Guts 

    Made a post about it in this forum before. But its essentially keeping your teeth in a very light contact.

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