Help me overbite

  • Hello i need help , it's been 4 months now since i started mewing i had an overbite and now it's worse than before , but my jawline is so much better how can i fix this please 😊

  • @Mohamed 

    Hello! I understand that you're facing some concerns with your overbite getting worse while noticing improvements in your jawline after practicing mewing for four months. It is not usual for your overbite to worsen, which could mean you are mewing incorrectly or that simply you may be imagining that it got worse. But...

    Firstly, it's crucial to remember that everyone's progress with mewing can vary, and changes in facial structure can take time. It's possible that the changes you're experiencing in your overbite could be a temporary phase during the transition process. However, it's always a good idea to consult with a dental or orthodontic professional who can evaluate your specific situation and provide personalized guidance.

    Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Maintain proper tongue posture: Ensure that you're consistently positioning your tongue correctly on the roof of your mouth throughout the day. But also make sure that your tongue is not pushing against any teeth, as this could definitely lead to a worsening of the overbite.

    2. Focus on balanced chewing: Continue with appropriate chewing exercises, such as using hard gum or Jawlize tabs, but avoid excessive chewing that could potentially exacerbate your overbite. It's important to find a balance and not put excessive strain on your jaw joint.

    3. Consider seeking professional advice: Consult with a dental or orthodontic professional, many times an overbite cant be fully fixed by mewing.

    Remember, mewing is a process that takes time, and individual experiences may vary. It's important to be patient and persistent.

    See ya ;)


  • @Mewing thanks for the quick reply ! Am gonna  try to mew and put gentle touch on my teeth and see if i make some improvement,also am gonna see a dentist. Thanks again am gonna update you guys after few months from now .Peace : )

  • @Mohamed 

    perfect! Good luck and see you soon. 

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