How can I know if I'm correctly pressing the back of my tongue against my roof?

  • What am I supposed to be able to feel and is there any way to check if I'm peforming it correctly? thanks!

  • @Welt 

    Hey mate, it may be a little difficult to know fully how much of your tongue is contacting the palate. But here are a couple ways. Although remember as you mew, you start developing the mind muscle connection with the tongue, which means the more you mew, the more you know where you tongue sits.When pressing the back of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, there are a few sensations you can pay attention to in order to check if you are performing it correctly:

    1. Palatal contact: You should feel the back of your tongue making contact with the roof of your mouth, specifically the area behind your front teeth and extending towards the back of your mouth.

    2. Suction or light pressure: There may be a slight suction or gentle pressure between your tongue and the roof of your mouth. This indicates that you are creating the desired contact and engagement.

    To check if you are performing it correctly, you can try the following:

    1. Swallowing technique: As mentioned in the previous text, you can try the swallowing technique. Swallow and pay attention to the movement of your tongue during the swallow. The back of your tongue naturally comes up against your palate during a swallow. You can try to replicate this position and maintain it throughout the day.

    2. Tongue posture awareness: Throughout the day, regularly check your tongue posture. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and keep it there. It may take some practice and conscious effort initially, but with time it should become more natural and subconscious.

    Remember that consistance and discipline are key, as you mew, you will get better at it, and will be able not only to engage more of the tongue. But also know exactly where you tongue is situated in your mouth.

    Keep mewing ;)

    And if you have more questions dont hesitate to ask.

  • @Mewing Thanks for the answer! I think I can feel the back of my tongue touch the "roof", but I can't feel anything in between the back part of the tongue and the middle part, there is like somewhat of a gap? Is this normal? Checking if I'm pressing with equal force on both sides of the tongue is also hard-

  • @Welt 

    Just covered this in your other question ;)

  • Does "You should feel the back of your tongue making contact with the roof of your mouth, specifically the area behind your front teeth and extending towards the back of your mouth." mean that like, it's normal to feel more contact specifically the area behind your front teeth and extending towards the back of your mouth, but that I also should feel some albeit less at the back? Thanks!

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