I feel a slight “pulling” sensation in my hyoid area when mewing correctly, is this normal?

  • It's not the most comfortable when I rest the entire tongue on the roof of my mouth, but it's not super uncomfortable either, but there is definitely a pulling sensation above my adam's apple.

  • @G 

    Hey man,

    Feeling a slight "pulling" sensation in the hyoid area when mewing correctly is not uncommon and normal. As you adopt the proper tongue posture and position it on the roof of your mouth, you may experience some sensations or muscle engagement. This can include the hyoid bone/

    It's important to remember that mewing may feel slightly uncomfortable or unfamiliar at first because you are training your tongue to rest in a new position. Over time, as you continue practicing mewing, the sensation may diminish or become less noticeable.

    If the pulling sensation is not causing any severe pain or discomfort, it is generally safe to continue mewing.

    Remember to be patient with the process, as mewing takes time and consistency to see any desired changes.

    Keep mewing G ;)

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