How long does it take to see changes in your maxilla and jaw?

  • I'm 15 and i've been mewing for almost 6 months now. I have seen a great improvement in my side profile, i have no more saggy hyoid skin. However i still have a bad maxilla, and i have seen no changes in my front profile. I have an assymetrical jaw and my eyes are a still a little bit saggy, i've been told mewing can correct it at my age but i want to know how long will it take to start seeing changes in my overall bone structure and how many more months will it take before i could see my cheekbones and maxilla elevate.

    Also one other thing there are two pics below too btw, first one was in February and the other was 2 days ago. From the changes does it seem like im mewing correctly? (im aware i have a hooked nose i'll get rhinoplasty when im old enough so please dont comment on that)

  • I'm glad to hear that you have observed some positive changes in your side profile after practicing mewing for six months. It's important to note that individual results can vary, and the timeline for seeing changes in bone structure can vary as well. Mewing is believed to be a long-term process that requires consistency and patience.

    Given your age of 15, it's possible that you may still experience further changes in your bone structure as you continue mewing. The duration of time it takes to see noticeable changes can depend on various factors, including your genetics, growth patterns, and the extent of the changes you're aiming for.

    But I would say you can start seeing bone changes after 1 year at your age!

    Regarding your specific concerns about your maxilla, asymmetrical jaw, and saggy eyes, it's difficult to determine the exact timeframe for improvement. Mewing may contribute to overall facial development and balance over time, but it's important to manage your expectations and understand that individual results can vary.

    It seems as though you are mewing correctly aswell, as your hyoid bone is raised!

    Keep mewing!

    And keep us updated ;)

  • @Mewing Alright, if i seem to be mewing correctly now i can try hard mewing right? As i have heard that your facial bone structure stops changing after 16 so i probably don't have a lot of time to fix my facial bones.

    Also this is still me Mint, i just forgot my password so i created a new account.

  • @Abdu Hey man,

    If you believe you have mastered the basic mewing technique and are practicing it correctly, you can consider incorporating hard mewing into your routine. Hard mewing involves applying additional pressure on the palate with the tongue to potentially enhance the effects of mewing. However, it is important to exercise caution and not exert excessive force, as it may lead to discomfort or potential issues including TMJ. So I would not reccommend it tbh.

    Regarding the notion that facial bone structure stops changing after the age of 16, it is important to note that the human body is capable of changes and adaptations throughout life. While the majority of facial growth occurs during adolescence, there is still some potential for subtle changes in the facial bones in adulthood. Sutures in the skull harden at around 25 years of age. But bone remodelling happens at any age.

    Thank you for reaching out, Mint! I'm glad to hear that you're committed to mewing. Feel free to ask any further questions you may have!

    Keep mewing G,

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