What's the difference between incorrect and correct swallowing?

  • I've tried watching Mike mews videos but I just can't know if im doing it correctly even with a visual guide. What are the key differences between correct and incorrect swallowing and what am I supposed to be feeling?

  • @Bob 

    Hey Bob,

    So an incorrect swallow is when you use facial muscles besides the tongue. So using you lips, cheeks to swallow is incorrect.

    The correct swallow, is when you only use the tongue to swallow, and to do this your tongue does a wave-like motion starting from the tip all the way to the back.

    You can know if you are doing it correctly if your face stays completely still when swallowing. There should be no movement in the cheeks or in the lips.

    A good way to practive is by swallowing with you lips open. This should help prevent you from using your lips and cheeks to swallow.

    Keep mewing 😁


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