Should my teeth touch together when I mew? And what should be correct Lip posture? And how Do I fix my recessed chin

  • I have been mewing with teeths touching for like 4 months and I definitely saw changes and improvements. But Now I found out I wasn't supposed to do that. And I have a recessed chin, how do I fix that?

  • @satyam 

    Hey mate,

    When mewing, the proper position of the teeth is to have them slightly apart, or lightly touching also known as the butterfly touch. A detailed post was made about the butterfly touch in the forum previously. which you can find using the search bar.

    The goal is to have the entire tongue resting on the roof of the mouth, while maintaining a natural resting position for the teeth. Placing excessive pressure on the teeth by keeping them tightly together during mewing may lead to dental issues or misalignment over time, bruxism and other issues.

    Regarding lip posture, the correct posture while mewing is to have relaxed and closed lips. The lips should lightly touch each other without any tension. This posture helps maintain proper oral posture and supports the overall mewing technique.

    Mewing and chewing should help fix a receded chin, but it may not be enough to fully rectify it.

    I hope I was of help :)

    Keep mewing :)

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