What can I do about a slight narrower right eye?

  • Is there anything I can do to reduce the asymmetry of my eyes? My right eye is a bit more narrow. Can sleeping more on the side with the more narrow eye help with anything or mewing more on that side since my tongue tends to go towards the left side? My eye asymmetry might be genetic, since a parent and a sibling has a similar asymmetry, can it still be fixed?

  • Hey Bob,

    This is a little bit of a tough question.. but

    Eye asymmetry can have various causes, including genetics, structural differences, or muscle imbalances. While mewing primarily focuses on tongue posture and facial development, it may not directly address eye asymmetry. However, maintaining overall good posture, including proper body alignment and neck posture, can contribute to overall facial symmetry.

    Sleeping more on the side with a narrower eye is unlikely to have a significant impact on reducing eye asymmetry. Eye asymmetry is usually related to underlying structural factors and not solely influenced by sleep position.

    Since you mentioned that your tongue tends to go towards the left side, making a conscious effort to maintain proper tongue posture throughout the day may help in maintaining better overall facial symmetry. However, it is important to note that mewing alone may not completely correct eye asymmetry, especially if it is primarily due to genetic factors.

    If your eye asymmetry is causing significant concerns or affecting your self-esteem, it would be advisable to consult with a medical professional or an ophthalmologist. They can evaluate your specific case, provide a proper diagnosis, and suggest appropriate treatment options if available.

    In other words, mewing may improve your overall facial symmetry, but it wont fix it. And eyes are more genetic than anything.

    If you have more questions, dont hesitate to asks us :)

    Happy mewing!

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