Need help with the tip of the tongue

  • The tip of the tongue should be placed on the recess behind the papilla or on the papilla itself, but I noticed when I put the tip of the tongue on the papilla itself, near the side teeth the tongue hangs down and does not fit completely. I have long been lost in this question, where should I put the tip of my tongue and why?

  • Hey Bilge,

    The tip of the tongue placement in mewing is an important aspect of the technique. While the general recommendation is to place the entire tongue on the roof of the mouth, including the tip, the specific placement of the tip can vary slightly among individuals.

    Ideally, the tip of the tongue should be resting on the recess behind the front teeth, specifically the area behind the papilla (the small bump on the palate) or even on the papilla itself. This placement helps create even pressure and support throughout the entire palate. However, it's important to note that the size and shape of the palate can vary among individuals, which can affect the precise placement of the tongue.

    If you find that placing the tip of your tongue on the papilla near the side teeth causes your tongue to hang down and not fit completely on the palate, you may need to adjust your tongue posture slightly. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for you. You can try placing the tip of your tongue slightly behind the papilla or find a position where the entire tongue can comfortably rest on the palate without it hanging down.

    Remember that mewing is a technique that takes time and practice to perfect. It's normal to have questions and uncertainties along the way. If you're unsure about your tongue posture or have any other concerns, don't hesitate to ask for clarification or guidance. Keep practicing and remain consistent with your mewing habits, and feel free to seek further assistance whenever needed.

  • @Mewing When I swallow my tongue rests against the papilla, but I can't figure out exactly how to find my exact position, I've read over 200 articles on reddit and more, but I haven't found an answer in them. How can I find provisions that are right for me?

  • @Bilge Hey there,

    This question sounds quite personal, and it may be hard to give you a concrete answer for your situation. Maybe you should ask one of our moderators on instagram, he will gladly help you through voice chats. You can contact him at mewing_journal on instagram. he is currently not moderating our forum for the next couple weeks.

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