Teeth moving?

  • Hi, im new in the forum.

    I started mewing correctly about 3 weeks ago, and about 2 weeks ago I feel that my lower front teeth are moving, in the mornings is when I feel it more, as if they are settling. I also have a slightly retracted chin, and a little retracted lower front teeth, so it could be that they are positioning with the upper jaw?

  • Hey mewer,

    It's great to hear that you have started mewing correctly. Sensations of your lower front teeth moving or settling could potentially be a result of the changes happening in your oral posture. Mewing aims to encourage proper alignment and development of the facial bones, including the jaw and the position of the teeth.

    As you continue mewing, it is possible that your lower front teeth may undergo some changes as they adjust and align with the upper jaw. It's important to note that individual experiences can vary, and the specific changes you observe might be unique to your own dental and skeletal structure.

    In the meantime, keep up with your mewing practice and maintain proper tongue posture, chewing habits, and body posture. Consistency and patience are key when it comes to mewing.

    Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions or need further guidance. Happy mewing!

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