does removable retainers slow down the mewing process??

  • i wear retainers at night does that slow down the process??

  • Hey mewer,

    It's worth noting that removable retainers are typically used in orthodontic treatment to maintain the position of teeth after braces or other orthodontic interventions. Which means that they have the goal of keeping the teeth is a certain position.

    While removable retainers may not directly interfere with the tongue posture aspect of mewing, they might create a physical barrier between the tongue and the roof of the mouth, potentially affecting the full benefits of mewing. The pressure exerted by the retainer on the roof of the mouth affects the expansion of the palate, which is one of the goals of mewing ( as we want to widen our palate and maxilla).

    I wouldn't tell you to ditch your retainers as you can still see results from mewing, muscular changes.

    Keep mewing, and don't hesitate to ask a question again whenever you have one! ;)

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