Root of tongue

  • I cant get the back of my tongue up or moving at all. Tried every trick i know and still nothing.  When i try to mew the skin under my sking bulges forward making my double chin bigger. When mewing correctly it sucks up the skin under the chin i guess? And i think thats because i cant lift the back part of tongue

  • Hey Valtteri,

    If you're having difficulty getting the back of your tongue up or moving while mewing, don't worry, it can take some time and practice to develop the necessary tongue control. Here are a few suggestions to help you improve your tongue posture:

    1. Focus on proper swallowing technique: As mentioned in the previous text, the swallowing technique can help you position your tongue correctly. When you swallow, pay attention to the movement of your tongue and try to replicate that position when resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

    2. Start with smaller steps: Instead of trying to lift the back of your tongue immediately, focus on gradually increasing the elevation over time. Begin by placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and work on maintaining that position consistently. As you become more comfortable, try to gradually lift the middle and back of your tongue.

    3. Practice tongue exercises: Engaging in specific tongue exercises can help strengthen the muscles and improve your tongue posture. For example, you can try pushing your tongue against a spoon or the back of your teeth to activate the posterior part of your tongue. Repeat these exercises regularly to build muscle control and strength.

    Regarding the concern about the skin under your chin bulging forward when attempting to mew, it's possible that you may be exerting excessive tension in the wrong areas. Make sure you are not straining or tensing your neck or jaw muscles excessively. Focus on maintaining a relaxed posture while keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

    Remember, mewing is a gradual process, and it may take time for your tongue to adapt and develop the necessary strength and control. Keep practicing consistently, and with patience, you should see improvements over time. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask. Keep mewing, and don't hesitate to reach out for guidance whenever needed!

    See ya!!

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