Face Asymmetry

  • uh

  • Hey Jonas thanks for your question,

    If you have noticed asymmetry in your chin and suspect it may be related to your mewing practices, there are a few things you can consider to address the issue:

    1. Evaluate your tongue posture: Asymmetrical tongue posture could potentially contribute to uneven results. Ensure that you are placing your entire tongue evenly on the roof of your mouth and maintaining this posture consistently throughout the day.

    2. Assess pressure distribution: Pay attention to the pressure you exert on the palate while mewing. It's possible that you may be exerting more pressure on one side than the other, leading to uneven development. Try to distribute the pressure evenly across your palate.

    3. Correct your chewing habits: Unequal chewing habits can also contribute to facial asymmetry. Make sure you are chewing your food evenly on both sides of your mouth to promote balanced muscle development.

    Regarding your question about dominant side, the dominant side refers to the side of your face that appears more developed or stronger due to factors such as muscle use, chewing habits, or natural facial asymmetry. Identifying your dominant side can help you understand how to balance your chewing and mewing practices.

    Keep mewing my friend, and don't hesitate to post again, if you have any questions in the future !


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