How to take a break from Mewing?

  • Hey everyone, so mewing is being hard for to do, i have been doing it for maybe 11 months now (soft mewing only), and even though i can maintain my tongue on the roof of the mouth, it feels very uncomfortable for various reason, like excessive saliva, i don't feel like i get enough oxygen when i inhale and 11 months have passed, adn the one i most hate and that bothers me the most is, that ever since i started mewing i seem to have lots of difficulties speaking, i never had this before, like i start to stutter when i go to talk, as soom as i start talking my mouth gets filled with saliva, i have this issue that is, when i swallow my tongue seems to stay stuck in the palate and blocking the throat for a few seconds and i start feeling like i am out of air, instead of the swallowong being instantaneous.

    I am so tired of feeling this way, idk if my case is an exception, but i never had these symptoms, i feel so weird and uncomfortable and i feel like i am almost always out of air.

    And i swear guys, it never happened to be before i started mewing, i has an happy dude who could easily talk and breath fine, and i never had this saliva issue...

    I kind of regret starting to Mew, i've tries to persist and keep going, but i think i just hit a wall, i want to go back as it were before, but the issue is, since i have learned how to swallow correctly, my tongue seems to always go back to the roof of my mouth after i swallow, and i don't remember how i used to swallow before nor where did i rest my tongue before.

    So i would like to a least take a break from Mewing, i don't want to give up on it, at least not yet, but i feel so overwhelmed ever since i started Mewing, and i can't understand why...

    So if wanted to stop mewing for a while, how would i go about? Would i just drop the tongue down? What would i do? Thanks.

    Ps: I am not saying mewing is bad, i know some people claim it brought them lots of benefits, but for me? So far, it has only been downsides, and i am being 100% honest. I feel anxious all the time for the fact that i feel like i can't get enough oxygen and the excessive saliva that really really bothers me, and the speaking and swallowing issue.

    Sorry if this sounds depressing, i am not depressed but i am feeling sad and overwhelmed, and i just desire to go back how things were before mewing, thanks!

  • Hey Lukas,

    Thanks for your question.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulties and discomfort with mewing. It's important to remember that everyone's experience with mewing can be different, and it's possible for some individuals to encounter challenges or discomfort during the process.

    If you're feeling overwhelmed and want to take a break from mewing, it's understandable. Taking a break can help alleviate the discomfort and allow you to reassess your approach. Here are a few steps you can consider:

    1. Relax your tongue: To stop mewing temporarily, you can consciously relax your tongue and let it rest in a more comfortable position within your mouth. It's normal for your tongue to naturally return to the roof of the mouth after swallowing, but you can consciously allow it to rest elsewhere for the time being.

    2. Observe your natural tongue posture: Pay attention to your tongue's resting position before you started mewing. This can help you find a more comfortable position to rest your tongue during the break.

    3. Focus on nasal breathing: While taking a break from mewing, try to emphasize nasal breathing to ensure proper airflow. Breathing through your nose can help with oxygen intake and may provide relief from the discomfort you've been feeling.

    4. Consult a healthcare professional: If you continue to experience significant discomfort, difficulty speaking, excessive saliva, or any other concerning symptoms, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional. They can evaluate your specific situation and provide guidance tailored to your needs.

  • Hey! Well, today i stopped mewing, idk if it is going to be permanent or just a break but i must say that all those issues i was having? They are gone.

    How did i stop mewing? I simply focus on nasal breathing and i don't worry about tongue posture or my tongue rest, and guess what? I am able to speak so much better now, just like i used before, today  i feel so much more happy and confident that all the past 11 months since i started mewing.

    Idk if it's because i have a tongue tie or not, but since my tongue is not extreme and i am able to rest my tongue on my palate idk why i had those issues, i am sad that i probably will never go back to mewing if it brings all those issues i had when mewing, because the simple act of letting my tongue relax and let it rest where it wants to, solved almost everything, i am not having difficulties breathing no more and i am able to speak fine, and the saliva issue is relatively better..

    Man this makes me think that mewing os not natural tongue posture, because when i was mewing, and i was only soft mewing, i felt like i couldn't function properly like i used to, and now that i stopped mewing i am able to function properly and i feel so light and free, i don't feel tense anymore...

    Idk if everyone's experiences are like this, i do wish i could keep mewing because i would like to reap its benefits because i am still young, i started mewing at 18, now at age of 19 i had to stop because mewing got me feeling depressed, tense and felt like i couldn't talk, laugh, breath properly because of the simple fact that my tongue was glued to the roof of the mouth.

    The only things that i still do and feels natural is correct swallowing and correct chewing, those things feel completely natural and easy still.

    This my experience..

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