Should i mew in these situations?

  • Hey everyone, i have this doubt.

    Should i mew in these situations? :

    1) When i am engaged in a conversatiom but not speaking, just hearing what the other is saying, during those moments, should i have my tongue on the roof of my mouth or not?

    2) When i am having a meal, whatever meal it is, in those moments when i am not actively chewing food, should my tongue also be on the roof of my mouth?

    My tongue nowadays stays on the roof of my mouth in both these situations, but it feels uncomfortable, but i don't consciously press it there, it just stays there by itself.

    I just wanna know, if that's correct and okay, or it could cause problems speaking or eating idk, since mewing is not supposed to be done when eating or talking.



    Hey mewer,


    When engaged in a conversation but not speaking, it is generally fine to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth if it feels natural and comfortable for you. If you find that keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth affects your ability to speak clearly or causes discomfort, it's acceptable to let your tongue rest in a more relaxed position. You cant really talk if you are mewing.

    During meals, it's not necessary to maintain tongue posture on the roof of your mouth when you're not actively chewing food. It's common for the tongue to naturally rest in a more relaxed position while eating, and this should not cause any issues. The primary focus during meals should be on proper chewing and enjoying your food. However, you need to learn the proper swallowing pattern, which is using your tongue to swallow and move food around your mouth, while not using you lips or cheeks. This is what you do need to pay attention to when mewing.

    It's worth noting that mewing is primarily intended for maintaining tongue posture throughout the day and during sleep, rather than during specific activities like eating or talking. After all bone chnges due to pressure over time. If you find that keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth in these situations causes discomfort or interferes with normal functions, it's perfectly acceptable to allow your tongue to rest in a more relaxed position. Listen to your body and find a balance that works for you.

    If you have any more questions, dont hesitate to ask another question.

    Keep Mewing my Friend.

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