How to check if tongue is placed correctly.

  • So, I've been reading around about mewing but I still can't figure out if my tongue is placed correctly.

    I am the most uncertain about if I place my tongue against the back third of my mouth correctly.

    Sometimes the middle too as I usually feel the middle part "loosen" when I feel that I've got the front and back third correctly, but that may be aside from the question.

    So I was wondering if anyone of you know any tips on checking if the tongue is placed correctly.

    (sorry if the English is bad and if this question is not suited for where I posted it.)

    1. Swallowing technique: One way to ensure proper tongue posture is to practice the swallowing technique. When you swallow, observe how the back of your tongue naturally comes up against the roof of your mouth. Try to replicate this position and maintain it throughout the day.

    2. Tongue pressure: Apply gentle but consistent pressure with your tongue against the roof of your mouth. You can start by focusing on the back third and gradually incorporate the entire tongue, ensuring it rests fully on the palate. Keep in mind that it may take time to develop the habit and strengthen the necessary muscles.

    3. Sensation and comfort: Pay attention to the sensation and comfort of your tongue posture. The correct placement should feel natural, with the tongue resting comfortably against the roof of your mouth. It should not cause excessive strain or discomfort.

    4. Breathing through the nose: Ensure that you are breathing through your nose while maintaining proper tongue posture. Nasal breathing is an integral part of mewing.

    Remember, it may take practice and time to develop the correct tongue posture consistently. You can also consider consulting with a healthcare professional or orthodontist who is knowledgeable about mewing to receive personalized guidance.

    Also you can always change the language of the forum; 

    If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    Keep mewing, my friend ;)

  • @Mewing Thank you!

  • @Sebastian no worries G

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