How do I get used to mewing?

  • How do I get used to the mewing position? I keep getting a lot of saliva while trying, which makes me end up returning to a non-mewing tongue position. I'm also wondering if it's supposed to be possible to mew while sleeping?

    Also wondering, what exactly can mewing do? Can it provide a more prominent chin/cheeks?

  • Hey G,

    Getting used to the mewing position may take some time and practice. Here are a few tips that might help:

    1. Start gradually: Begin by practicing mewing for short periods throughout the day and gradually increase the duration over time. This will allow your tongue and muscles to adjust more comfortably.

    2. Swallowing technique: As mentioned in the previous response, the swallowing technique can help establish the proper tongue posture for mewing. When you swallow, the back of your tongue naturally comes up against the palate. Try to maintain this position after swallowing.

    3. Mindful awareness: Be conscious of your tongue posture throughout the day. Remind yourself to keep the entire tongue on the roof of your mouth and breathe through your nose. With consistent awareness, it may become more natural and subconscious over time.

    4. Saliva management: Excessive saliva production can be a common issue when starting mewing. Swallowing the excess saliva discreetly can help manage this. You can also consider keeping a tissue or small towel nearby to wipe away excess saliva, especially during the initial stages of practicing mewing.

    Regarding mewing during sleep, it is possible to maintain the mewing position while sleeping. Some individuals find it challenging to maintain proper tongue posture during sleep, as they may breathe through their mouths or experience subconscious movements. To encourage mewing during sleep, a technique that some people find helpful is placing a small piece of tape on the mouth before sleeping. This encourages nasal breathing and helps maintain tongue position. 

    As for the effects of mewing, proponents of the technique can potentially give you a more prominent chin, defined jawline, improved cheekbones, and improved overall facial symmetry. While also making your face wider and shorter. It may also help make your nose look smaller, although this is usually an illusion (because the rest of the face grows, which makes the nose seem smaller and more proportional)

    If you have any further questions, feel free to ask:)

    Keep Mewing!

  • @Mewing I am new to mewing and I have an overbite along with a habit of mouth breathing.Whenever I try to mew,my throat gets really dry.What to do about it?Also due to my overbite,I struggle to keep my teeth together.Pls help

  • Hey Neil,

    If you're new to mewing and experiencing a dry throat while trying to maintain proper tongue posture, there are a few things you can try to alleviate this issue:

    1. Stay hydrated: Make sure you drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your throat hydrated. This can help prevent dryness while practicing mewing.

    2. Nasal breathing: Focus on breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. Nasal breathing can help moisten and condition the air before it reaches your throat, reducing dryness.

    3. Use a humidifier: If the air in your environment is dry, consider using a humidifier. Adding moisture to the air can help prevent dryness in your throat.

    Regarding your overbite and struggling to keep your teeth together while mewing, it's important to note that mewing might be more challenging for individuals with certain dental or orthodontic conditions.  Just try to close your mouth, and have slight teeth contact, however if your overbite is too severe. it may make mewing almost impossible.

    Remember, each person's anatomy and circumstances are unique.

    Finally, keep mewing and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. It's always a good idea to stay informed and seek guidance when needed.


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