Obbligated to mouthbreathe

  • Since october 2022 i ve got this sensation of air entering from the right corner of the Lip, before of that i ve had cervical problems, in the right side i also feel a terribible pain in Nerves of neck when swallowing.



    Hey Mewer,

    Based on the info you provided. You mentioned having cervical problems and feeling terrible pain in the nerves of your neck when swallowing. 

    The sensation of air entering from the right corner of your lip could be related to various factors, including changes in muscle function or even nasal airflow. It would be best to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or an ENT specialist, who can evaluate your specific symptoms and provide appropriate guidance.

    Regarding the pain in the nerves of your neck when swallowing, it could be related to your previous cervical problems.

    Your case is very specific and we havent heard of the one-sided airflow before. That's why I prefer not giving you an answer that might not be correct, I do believe its best that you go see an ENS doctor.

    Sorry we coulndt be of more help.

    If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask ;)

    And good luck, and we do hope you are able to identify the issue!

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