Mewing with an Edge To Edge Bite

  • I had braces when I was a kid for my underbite which I guess did not do its job. I was struck with a very mild underbite and had my lower lip protruding my upper lip.All of this changed when I discovered mewing at the age of 19 and have been practicing it religiously for the past year and half. My underbite has improved drastically and now my upper teeth is in front of my lower teeth by say an mm.But it still looks like an edge to edge bite to me.My underbite profile has improved tremendously and now my upper lips protrude my lower lips by a few mm which was not the case before mewing and hence proving that mewing is effective for an underbite. Can I achieve the normal overbite position where the upper teeth protrudes the lower teeth by 2mm in the next 5-10 years ?

  • Hey man,


    By consistently practicing mewing, you will encourage the expansion of your palate and thus the expansion of the maxilla which will cause the forward movement of your upper jaw. This could potentially help in achieving a more ideal overbite position, where the upper teeth protrude slightly over the lower teeth.

    However, it's important to keep in mind that everyone's anatomy and response to mewing can vary. The extent to which you can correct your underbite and achieve your desired overbite position depends on multiple factors, but your 5-10 years timeframe is quite realistic. And although I cant promise that you will able to fully fix it, you can definitely help improve it and get closer to your genetic potential..

    Let me know if that makes sense :)


  • Actually,the one thing I believe holds most people from achieving results from mewing is not backing it very with a good lifestyle like chewing hard food, having proper neck and body posture,exercising, getting lean,etc. Although some of these things aren't directly correlated to achieving results from mewing, the way they indirectly complement mewing is significant. These are some of the things I did to eliminate my underbite and I would like to perfect myself,be disciplined,stay focused for the next 10 years are so and try to achieve my genetic potential or atleast get near it.

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