Can't Keep Suction Hold For Very Long??

  • I've been mewing for a couple of months now and as of late I've been unable to mew properly whatsoever. I just can't seem to get the suction hold to last very long it all. Sometimes longer than others but for the most part I can keep my tongue positioned on the roof of my mouth for more than a couple seconds at time or maybe a few minutes. What am I doing wrong or is this how it's supposed to be?

    Am I supposed to be constantly resetting it or am I supposed to be at a point where I'm able to have my tongue on the roof of my mouth for very long like hours+??

    Also whenever I try to get my teeth to lightly touch this usually causes me to lose the suction immediately or very quickly. Any reason as to why that would be??

  • Hey man,

    I think I see what your problem is. Yes, the suction hold should become normal and comfortable after a while of practicing it. The fact that you cant hold it for long and that you cant do it while you teeth are touching, lead me to believe that your palate is too narrow.

    If you could send a picture of the roof of your mouth, I will be able to tell if that is the issue.

    If the cause of this is not due to a narrow palate, then it could be because your posture is not ideal which makes mewing much more difficult.



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