
  • Hello I am 15 years old and my orthodontist wants me to get a bsso, wondering if it would help or not, I have talked to a lot of people about this and they think it could be bad because it would mess up and natural face developed i have left since I am still quite young. Don't know if it would benefit me or not. I asked my orthodontists if it would mess ups growth he said i don't have anymore growth at 15 which I don't believe for my face also he never gave a awnsrr if it would mess up growth so I assume it would. Please help 

  • Hey there Nate,

    It depends on a number of factors. But yes that may affect your forward growth. What is the reason for you getting the BSSO? You are young, so you can achieve great results from mewing. But also it is not a cure all. You need to trust the opinion of dentists to a certain extent, and if he trully believes it to be necessary for which ever reason you want to get it in the first place, it may be wise to listen to him or even better going to an othotropist.


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