My face is getting worse and worse. Started mewing in 2020. Help me please

  • I have been mewing for 3 years. I don't know what happened but all I noticed is downgrowth. Increased my overbite. Please help me.

  • Hey man,

    Based on your description and pictures, it does seem like you may have experienced downward growth, which could be due to improper mewing or hard mewing. Some people report getting more downward growth when they practice hard mewing, which involves excessive pressure and force.

    To provide better advice, could you please give more details about your routine? For example, how often do you practice mewing, how long do you hold the posture, and do you use any additional techniques or devices alongside mewing? I have not seen this much downard growth in a while to be honest. 

  • Hshsh

  • @Mewing So basically I started mewing in March 2020. From that day, I have faced a lot of problems. My overbite increased. I have tmj in right side of my jaw. Asymmetry as well. I just blindly trusted the process of my mewing and thought that some day I will get proper results. But nothing happened. All I faced is downgrowth. I have no hopes left now. All I think of now is kill myself. One side of my teeths downward as compared to the other side. One side of my teeth are more forward than the other side. Everything is just complicated now.

  • Your face was good, I don't understand why you started mewing.

    And based on what you recently said, I believe you should work on your psyche because if all you think about is killing yourself and you have no hopes left then there are deeper problems.

    If you are hardmewing stop with that instead mew very lightly, make sure to learn to do it the correct way by watching all Mike Mews important videos. Because it seems that you pushed too hard on one of the side of the tounge instead of an even suction.

    Educate yourself on mewing by watching videos from Mike and John Mew and not the other people who think they know everything about mewing. And work on your damn mental health man.

    Alan Watts is a good source of philosophical inspiration (my favorite).

    Charles Bukowski, Jordan B. Peterson, there are a bunch of good philosophers.

    Get a good understanding of what life really is about and learn to love yourself mentally.

  • @Horse don't try to just gaslight him, you can visibly see he got a downswing

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