Is Herbst device better?

  • So, there is this Herbst device which brings your jaw forward over time (8-12 months), without mewing. Orthodontist puts it in your mouth like braces and that's all. You don't need mewing after that. But is it better? Will it have better results that mewing?

  • Hey, 

    The Herbst device is a type of orthodontic appliance that is designed to gradually bring the lower jaw forward over a period of several months. Unlike mewing, which involves specific tongue and jaw exercises, the Herbst device is a passive treatment that is designed to work on its own.

    As with any orthodontic treatment, the results of the Herbst device will depend on the individual case and the specific goals of treatment. While some people may see better results with the Herbst device than with mewing, others may find that mewing is more effective for their particular needs.

    Ultimately, the best treatment for a particular individual will depend on a variety of factors, including the severity of their condition, their overall health and dental history, palate volume and widtm, along with facial development.


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