how to chew correctly using the tongue?

  • Tips, please

  • Hey man,

    Here are some tips to chew correctly using your tongue:

    1. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth: When you chew, make sure to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth, with the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth and the back of your tongue touching the soft palate.

    2. Use your molars: When you chew, try to use your molars to grind your food into small pieces. This will help your digestive system break down the food more easily.

    3. Chew slowly and thoroughly: Take your time when chewing your food and make sure to chew each bite thoroughly before swallowing. This can also help with digestion and nutrient absorption.

    4. Avoid swallowing large chunks: Make sure to break your food down into small pieces before swallowing to prevent choking or digestive issues.

    Remember that proper chewing technique and tongue posture take practice and consistency. With time and effort, you can develop the habit of chewing correctly and improve your overall oral health and facial development.

  • @Mewing Thanks for the answer. I also wanted to know how to transport food to one side of the mouth without using the cheeks, but using the tongue

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