Cant Breathe

  • When I mew and place the back portion of my tounge against the roof I cant breathe out of my nose. Is there any way to fix this?

  • Hey man, Thanks for your question

    It's not uncommon for some people to experience difficulty breathing through their nose when practicing proper tongue posture, which involves placing the back portion of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. This is because the tongue posture can restrict airflow through the nasal passages.

    If you find it difficult to breathe through your nose while maintaining proper tongue posture, there are a few things you can try:

    1. Relax your tongue slightly: You may be placing too much pressure on the roof of your mouth with your tongue, which could be contributing to the difficulty breathing. Try relaxing your tongue slightly to see if this helps.

  • @Mewing Thankyou

  • I have a few questions. When I relax my tounge I can breathe but it is a little resticted does this mean I am doing it correct. Also when I am able to breathe the area under my chin isnt as tense and I dont look much diffrent compared to when I wasnt mewing. Is it possible that my airway and pallet just need to adapt over time?

  • @bob Yes absolutely. This is very common. As you mew and expand your palate your airway expands aswell. This is a matter of time and patience. Over time, your airway will be less and less obstructed. It is very common to have this issue at the start :)

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