Is my palate too narrow for mewing?

  • r/orthotropics - Is my palate too narrow for mewing?

    r/orthotropics - Is my palate too narrow for mewing?

    I am not sure what to do as whenever I mew my tongue touches my front teeth. My family cannot afford to get palate expanders right now but I'm still relatively young (16 years old). Is there anything I can do?

  • If it's under 30mm most likely 

  • @Camila Hey Camila, so it does seem as though your palate is narrow.

    Your tongue seems s though it is touching your molars and every tooth essentially.

    But you are young, and this is the best time to achieve mewing results. I would say work on tongue chewing and strengthening your tongue, and start mewing but bring your tongue further back because you definitely don't want your tongue to exert pressure on your front teeth. Constant pressure on the front teeth with the tongue will cause tilting which is not what we want.

    Hope that helps.

  • @Mewing if I bring my tongue back wouldn't the posterior third not be up on the roof of my mouth though? Would this really give me any results? Thanks for all of the help :)

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