Can mewing/chewing lead to lower jaw widening? 20yo

  • Hey! I'm kinda new to mewing, and as far as I know, mewing can make your face more slim so jaw could be more visible. But is it possible to widen one's jaw, (lower jaw bone) even slighly with long term mewing/chewing? I'm 20yo. Any feedback is appreciated ;)

  • Hey!

    Yes, mewing and chewing can indeed help to widen your jaw, especially in the lower jaw bone area.

    Mewing can help push your midface up and forward, which can widen your cheekbones and jawline over time. In addition, chewing can help to build up the masseter muscle, which is responsible for closing the jaw during chewing. The increased activity of this muscle can lead to a wider jawline and a more defined jaw angle.

    It's important to note, however, that the extent of jaw widening that can be achieved through mewing and chewing may vary from person to person, and it also depends on factors such as age and genetics. At 20 years old, you are still able to see some positive results from incorporating mewing and chewing into your daily routine. But it's important to do so in moderation and not over-exert yourself, as excessive strain on the jaw muscles can lead to discomfort and even injury.

    Overall, if you stick to a consistent mewing and chewing routine, you may see some good improvements in your jaw width, over time.

  • Chew Falim or mastic gum asap bro or chew on a rubber mouth guard 

  • Absolutely!

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