lower face asymmetry is alarming [pic]

  • as you can see, not only my jawline is imbalanced, but the entire lower part of my face is.

    I've been mewing for a year and 3 months, and my jaw has only sharpened out, but the imbalance is still noticably there. for information, i am 15, turning 16 in June and i never had this imbalance until the age of 13.


    i am extremely confused on what i should do. i measured my ramus length on both sides and the one is considerably shorter. If i try to hard chew on that side, my entire jaw shifts to that side and makes my face look freakishly asymmetrical. 

    what is the main pinpoint cause of my entire lower third (jawline, chin, cheekbones) being so damn uneven and how am i able to fix this?

    please help me with this, i asked this on 3 subs on reddit and their only advice was, 'dont sweat it. its not as bad as it looks'

  • So as you may or may not know, asymmetries in the face are not genetic, therefor they must be postural or muscular. Even though your ramus is longer on one side, do not try to chew more on one side than the other. Because you jaw being asymmetrical is usually the symptom to the cause. Instead focus on mewing and chewing evenly, which is a lot of the time is difficult for people with more major asymmetries. 

    Notice if your palate is also asymmetrical, if that's the case, then you have a tongue action problem. 

    As you mew and expand your palate and maxilla, your asymmetries tend to reduce or seem as though they are less prominent. Expand the palate, expand the face, improve facial harmony!

    PS: We Would really appreciate it you guys mention mewinghub on reddit to people who need help. :)

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