Narrow face

  • [20M] I've been mewing for 9 months and do have a great side profile, but when viewed from the front my face is very narrow causing my midface and chin to appear long even though they are of correct length. How can I widen my face to achieve ideal face proportions?

  • In terms of widening your face, there are some exercises and lifestyle changes that may be helpful in achieving a more balanced facial appearance other than mewing. Because Mewing will widen and shorten your face over time, as the face undertakes a counterclockwise upswing. Your maxilla moves up and forward creating the appearance of more width.


    But other than mewing:

    1. Chewing: Chewing gum or chewing tabs can help to strengthen the muscles around the jaw and promote a wider appearance. We sell affordable Jawlize chewing tabs in our store, in partnership with Jawlize. Jawlize V1

    2. Facial exercises: There are various facial exercises that can help to tone and strengthen the muscles in the face, which may contribute to a wider appearance. For example, you can try "fish lips" by pursing your lips and smiling, or "cheek lifts" by smiling and lifting your cheeks towards your eyes. Although these are not proven.Ps: dont hesitate to comment on posts if you guys arent sure. Your opinions matter aswell :)

  • Great advice 👍I'll definitely be consistent 

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