Advice needed

  • Hi all,

    I have been on looksmaxxing for a while now and recently got my face rated. I was given a 5/10, lower than expected, with most my flaws seemingly being due to poor bone volume and structure. Having read quite a lot on mewing I’m cautiously optimistic it may be my solution, however have seen much conflicting information on its effectiveness especially depending on age - I am 18.  Would any of you be able to give your opinion and possible solutions? I have attached some pics of my face.

  • We usually don't like to talk about looksmaxing, But I do see that you have good forward gorwth.

    While it is true that bone remodeling occurs at any age, it is also true that the rate and extent of bone remodeling tends to decline with age (25 is agreed). This means that younger individuals may see more significant changes in their facial bone structure with mewing than older individuals.

    However, it is important to note that mewing can still be effective at any age if done correctly because bone remodeling happens always. By practicing proper tongue posture and placement,

  • Yeah bro mothguard clench asap you need to remodel your maxilla also but the course on insta that could help


    as for looksmaxing get a tan brother pale skin is an insta -1 you have pretty eyes tho and decent eye brows so just get fluffy tik tok hair which covers forhead and you will slay JB's easily. Also likewise for everyone hit gym and lower body fat% and chew gum on your molars if your new to chewing then move on to your pre molar 1 and canines after a month or 2 depending on how much and how long you chew

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