Mewing has decreased my life quality? What can i do?

  • Hey guys, i have started mewing like 8-9 months ago, and ever since my life quality has decreased a lot.

    Ever since i started, i started to have this issue where i have excessive saliva in my mouth all the time, even when talking, and that's when it bothers me the most, sometimes when i am speaking with someone, i have to stop the conversation because of the excessive saliva, just to swallow, and i have to stop the conversation for a few seconds, when i still got more to say. It feels awkward and it really bothers me.

    Other issue i have ever since i started mewing, is, difficulties breathing, like i am able to inhale and exhale air, but i always feel like i am short of breath and out of air, even though i know i am able to breath, and also, when i breath, i have to inhale so hard, like i really have to make force, and my chest expands so much and it feels so weird. Also i get out of air when i speak, as if i have no air in my lungs, and i seem to stutter more ever since i started mewing, i almost never stuttered before mewing..

    Like i am able to mew 24/7, but it feels so so uncomfortable and odd, i mean, in the first 1-2 months i understand feeling like this because i wouldn't be used to mewing, but after 8-9 months this issues haven't gone away?!

    I am really tired of this, i think about giving up on Mewing all the time, but i think i can't because, now, my tongue always seems to go to the roof of my mouth no matter what, which, well, i wouldn't bother if i felt good mewing, but i feel so bad.

    Now, don't get me wrong guys, i don't want to discourage nobody of Mewing, but i really want to fix this, i started mewing because i thought i would be a positive thing to do, but i really hate living feeling like this. Sometimes i just wish i could go back in time before i started mewing, i never felt so bad like this before.

    I don't even know if this is because of mewing, but i mean, it only happened when i started Mewing, it never happened before in my life. I was happier before Mewing, i must admit.

    Is this normal? Will it go away if i keep persisting? I need some help guys...

  • I am sorry for your experience. Here what we do know.

    If you're having difficulty mewing comfortably, it's essential to understand that it could be due to several reasons. While mewing is a technique that involves placing your tongue in a specific position in your mouth, it's not always easy for everyone to do this 24/7.

    One of the most common reasons for discomfort during mewing is having a weak or atrophied tongue. Tongue chewing is a technique that can help strengthen your tongue muscles and make it easier for you to mew comfortably. By chewing on a piece of gum or a specially designed device, you can train your tongue to stay in the correct position.

    Another reason for difficulty with mewing could be due to a narrow or asymmetrical palate. In some cases, the structure of your mouth may make it challenging to keep your tongue in the correct position for an extended period. This can be addressed through orthodontic treatment or by mewing over time.

    Tongue ties are another common issue that can make it challenging to mew comfortably. A tongue tie is a condition where the frenulum, which is the small piece of tissue under your tongue, is too short or tight. This can restrict the movement of your tongue and make it difficult to mew correctly. In this case, a procedure called a frenectomy may be necessary to correct the issue.

    Finally, excessive saliva buildup is a common issue amongst mewers, especially at the start of the practice. However, after nine months, it does seem unusual. If you're mewing correctly, the body takes different amounts of time to adapt to the new tongue position. 

    However the causes and solutions to common salivation issues with mewing:

    Suction Hold:

    The Suction Hold technique can be used to eliminate excess saliva that may accumulate while mewing. Mastering the art of creating a perfect seal when mewing can also reduce saliva build-up and make mewing more comfortable. Here's how to practice creating the perfect seal and swallowing:

    First, take a small sip of water and hold it in your mouth. Next, lean forward so that your mouth faces directly downwards. Show your teeth and move your tongue to prevent the water from falling out, creating the perfect seal. Without using your cheeks or lips, swallow the water using only your tongue. Observe the position of your tongue when you achieve the perfect seal and try to maintain that tongue posture as frequently as possible. Whenever too much saliva builds up, try to recreate the suction by repeating this technique.

    Correcting Your Approach

    It is possible that you might be mewing too forcefully, which can lead to an overproduction of saliva due to the increased pressure on your salivary glands.

    Instead of pushing too hard, try to focus on the suction hold. Remember that your tongue should rest on the roof of your mouth, and there's no need to apply excessive pressure.

    To learn more about the basics of mewing and how to perfect your technique, check out our guide on common mewing mistakes.

    Getting Used to It

    Many people notice an increase in saliva production during the initial weeks of mewing, but after a month or so, they tend not to experience it as much.

    You may eventually become accustomed to the accumulation of saliva under your tongue, and with consistent tongue posture, you may notice a decrease in the amount of saliva produced.

    The more you practice mewing, the more comfortable you'll become with it. Over time, you may observe a reduction in the production of excessive saliva.



  • Thanks a lot for answering. I mean, i think mewing is getting better, the day after i made this post, i was actually feeling better while mewing, and there was saliva or at least it wasn't bothering me as much.

    Now, i have to say that it still doesn't feel 100% comfortable to do mewing, it still feels weird, but my tongue just insists to stay there, and it feels weird not to rest my tongue on the roof of my mouth.

    I have faith that this will get better eventually, i suspect that i am going through what i am going through because my upper palate is not yet wide enough for my tongue, and that, with time, as it expands, mewing will become comfortable to me.

    I remember one of AstroSky's video, where he said that at the beginning, when he start to Mew, he couldn't breath and felt like he was choking on his tongue, but he said that over time your mouth adapts, and eventually your airways will open up.

    I really have hope and faith that that's my case, and it will get better for me like it did for him.

    The only thing i realize that happens to me, and it bothers me, is sometimes i have some trouble speaking, ever since i started mewing, BUT i think it has gotten a little better since the beginnimg, but still is not perfect, and it still bothers me a little.

    I'd like to ask you, did this speech issue also happen to you, in your Mewing journey? If yes, does it get better? Thanks.

  • Thats good to hear. It will get easier, its just a matter of making sure you get every little angle covered. Make sure you are mewing correctly and then you will develop a good habit. Discipline and patience is key !

  • Mewing cannot decrease life quality but BLackpill can 

    if mewing has decreased life quality you either have a structural limitation or your mewing incorrectly 

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