Mewing and articulation

  • Can mewing improve our articulation like give better clarity of speech and pronounciation since our tongue is responsible for our speech and mewing strengthens our tongue?

  • There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that it may also have benefits for speech and articulation.

    The tongue plays a crucial role in speech, as it is responsible for forming sounds and articulating words. By strengthening the tongue through mewing, some individuals may find that their speech becomes clearer and more precise.

    Also, it has been reported anecdotally that some people experience improvements in singing ability after practicing mewing, with many individuals noting greater vocal clarity and control. One notable example is Astrosky, a popular mewing influencer who has shared his personal experience of improved singing ability after practicing the technique.

    The logical reason for this is for the improved tongue and throat abilities but also a wider palate meaning larger resonance in the mouth.

    However, it's important to note that the impact of mewing on speech and articulation may vary depending on individual factors such as existing tongue strength and muscle coordination.

  • @Mewing That really confuses me, if mewing is supposed to improve your speech and articulation, then why is my speech and articulation very bad ever since i started mewing?

    Ever since i started mewing (8-9 months ago) i seem to always be out of air when i am speaking with someone, and this really makes me feel bad and anxious... is this even normal? I never had no speech issues before starting mewing.

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