Importance of chewing hard

  • In my opinion chewing is just as important as Mewing and is often very underlooked.

  • Scientific studies have shown that increased tension on the masseter muscles and jaw, which occurs during chewing, can lead to changes in the angle of the jaw and even the density of the bone.

    Effects of Chewing on the Jaw bone

    This means that chewing hard foods can help improve facial structure and promote bone remodeling, which can be enhanced by practicing mewing. By combining both mewing and chewing, you can achieve optimal results in strengthening and improving the appearance of your jawline.

    Chewing and Mewing go hand in hand, chewing is mewing. Chewing in short allows for the clockwise movement of the face, by changing the ramus, and pushing the maxilla foward.

    So, remember keep chewing, but don't overdoit!

  • It works even if i'm 20 years old? My ramus lenght its short

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