How can i stop Mewing?

  • Hey, i have been mewing for 1 Year and 2 Months now, and ever since i started i experience this annoying issue which is:

    Discomfort when Breathing, this never happened before i started Mewing, and basically i feel like i am not getting enough oxygen when i breath, which also makes me run out air when i speak lots of time, which also never happened before, and that makes me feel self-conscious when i speak.

    I have been thinking about stopping or taking a break from Mewing, just to see if these issues go away, but i just don't know to stop mewing now, because since i swallow correctly now, my tongue ends up going back to the palate everytime now.

    Deep inside, i don't want to stop mewing, because i'd like to achieve a Jawline like Astrosky, since i started mewing when i was still 18.

    I just wish this discomfort to go away, what do you suggest me to do? To keep on Mewing and eventually this issue will go away, or to stop?

  • @Lucker 

    Hey there,

    I believe it could be that you are mewing incorrectly. All that you are describing should not be happening from mewing.

    I think you reassess your technique, instead of stopping mewing.

    If you do want to stop mewing you could start mouth breathing preventing you from subconsciously placing your tongue on the roof of the mouth. But I wouldnt recommend it.

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