Tongue keeps tilting towards the left

  • My tongue keeps tilting towards the left, what can I do about this? I assume this is because of a weaker left side.  Can I like train it?

  • @Bob 

    Hey bob,

    If your tongue keeps tilting towards the left, it is possible that there might be a muscular imbalance or weakness on the left side. Fortunately, you can work on training your tongue to achieve a more balanced posture.

    Here are some tips to help you train your tongue and improve its posture:

    1. Tongue Exercises: Perform specific tongue exercises to strengthen the weaker left side. One simple exercise is to press the tip of your tongue against the inside of your left cheek and hold it there for a few seconds. Repeat this several times throughout the day, gradually increasing the duration.

    2. Tongue Chewing: Incorporate tongue chewing exercises along with regular chewing exercises. Use your tongue to push the food against the roof of your mouth while chewing. This will help strengthen the tongue and encourage a more balanced tongue posture.

    3. Conscious Awareness: Pay attention to the position of your tongue throughout the day. Whenever you notice it tilting to the left, gently try to bring it back to the center of the palate. With practice, you can develop better control over the tongue's position.

    4. Mirror Practice: Stand in front of a mirror and observe your tongue's position. Try to maintain an even posture, ensuring it rests evenly on the roof of your mouth.

    5. Regular Mewing: Continue with regular mewing by keeping your whole tongue on the roof of your mouth and breathing through your nose. Consistency is key to developing new habits and improving the tongue posture.

    6. Patience: Correcting tongue posture takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with yourself, and don't get discouraged if progress is gradual.

    Keep mewing, and don't hesitate to ask a question again whenever you have one! Happy mewing journey! :)

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