flared teeth?

  • my front inscisors have been feeling weird as of late, and since i've only been doing this for 9 days, i assume it's because of mewing. This is what they look like now:

    How do i fix this?

  • @simone 

    Hey simone,

    Ok it does seem as though you have flared teeth, but I Would say that it is nearly impossible to see significant changes in 9 days. So it could definitely be your mind making you believe that because you started paying alot more attention to your face.

    On the other hand it can happen when mewing incorrectly. What I mean by this is that if you press your tongue against your upper front teeth you could develop flaring. But in 9 days, seems impossible.

    Then again we are not trained doctors, and there are some odd cases out there.

    Hope that helps :)

  • I'm 14, so maybe that's a factor. & I know it's the (incorrect) mewing because there was this weird feeling in my inscisors I'd neglected for the 9 days. But anyways, that makes sense. Thanks!

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