This is interesting !

  • Hello guys , i’ve been mewing for 4 months now and am looking better already but i noticed something interesting which is my Larynx it got bigger or wider lol and ofc am breathing now better than i used too and my voice is getting deeper :). 

    The question is is it related to mewing ? Because i was doing neck exercises but idk lol. 

  • @Mohamed 

    Hey man,

    It's great to hear that you've been mewing for 4 months and are already noticing some positive changes in your appearance, breathing, and voice.

    While I cannot provide a definitive answer without a comprehensive evaluation, it's possible that the changes you've observed, such as a wider larynx and a deeper voice, could be related to mewing. Think about it mewing widens the palate, which would mean that there is more resonance of your voice.

     It is plausible that the improved tongue posture and overall facial development through mewing may have influenced the positioning and development of your larynx, leading to the changes you've noticed. But I have not heard of it much before.

    Additionally, since you mentioned doing neck exercises alongside mewing, it's possible that these exercises have contributed to the changes you've observed. Strengthening the muscles in the neck area can potentially have an effect on the overall posture and appearance of the neck and surrounding structures.

    Keep up with mewing! If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

    Best of luck on your mewing journey!

  • @Mewing thanks a lot man , yeah am bot gonna stop mewing now haha it's very beneficial 😎 , i have asymmetry in my cheekbones is when my left one looks more prominent filled ,and the other one is flat , what can i do about it ? Is it related to sleeping alot on my right side?

  • @Mewing you can notice that only in dark area 

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