If I already have a strong jawline should I still chew hard gum?

  • I already have a good jawline and was wondering if I should still chew mastic gum to become more attractive or would it make my masseter too large and unattractive.

  • @David 

    Hey man,

    Yes you may not need to chew as much as people with weak masseter muscles, but what you need to know is chewing is an important part of mewing. Chewing is mewing.

    And when you chew you also allow for more change in the maxilla, and is also important for bone changes not just masseter muscle changes.

    Keep mewing ;)

  • @Mewing Thank you so would chewing every other day be good? And will there come a point where my masseter stops growing just worried about it becoming to large.

  • @David 

    Every other day is good. Well theoretically no they cannot grow forever. You can always stop chewing if you see them grow too large, and they will atrophy. Just be careful not to develop TMJ, if chewing is causing you pain, stop.


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