
  • I've started chewing a bit as well as mewing and I was wondering if there are certain molars to be chewing with? As I recently heard that chewing with the wrong muscles can increase the cheek/buccinators size and make them more puffy? Thanks!

  • @Enzo 
    Hey Enzo,

    When it comes to chewing while mewing, it is generally recommended to focus on chewing with your back molars. Chewing with the back molars helps engage the masseter muscles, which are the main muscles responsible for the chewing motion. By targeting these muscles, you can potentially strengthen them and provide support to the facial bones.

    Chewing primarily with the back molars can help avoid excessive engagement of the buccinator muscles, which are located in the cheeks. Overdevelopment of the buccinator muscles may contribute to a puffier appearance in the cheeks. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on chewing with the back molars to promote proper muscle development and avoid excessive cheek size.

    Remember that consistency is key when it comes to mewing and chewing. 

    If you have more questions do not hesitate to let us know,

    Keep Mewing :)

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