mewing problem back third of the tongue

  • What's wrong with my back part of the jaw(I'm recessed and I lack space for tongue I know that) but how can i fix this situation? I also have a Forward neck posture which I'm trying to fix, basically I'm looking for tips to improve my mewing.

  • @luka 

    Hey brother,

    First of all I think you may be talking about your ramus, or lack there of ramus definition.

    Well chewing hard gum or chewing tabs will help you develop your jaw, but also many people forget that chewing is mewing. It is very important to chew as it will also boost your mewing results. Chewing=Mewing.

    Posture is very important as you said, you should maybe start incorporating chin tucks, but also training your neck and back will also help you improve your posture!

    Keep mewing ;)


  • @Mewing I was talking about the bulge under my jawline that gives it a weird shape 

  • @luka 

    Ah ok, that could be due to the fact that you may not be proper;y engaging the back third, or it oculd be tonsils. or you may just have a genetically low hyroid bone.


  • @Mewing and how do i figure out which one i have? 


  • @luka 

    It is not that easy to figure it out, for tonsils and the hyroid bone you would probably need to go to a doctor.

    How long have you been mewing? because sometimes its just a question of time.


  • @Mewing I've been mewing for like a month but not really every second because i don't want to mess up my jaw i've just been trying to get correct posture and thats it I'm going to see a doctor to find out everything about my jaw so yeah idk

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