The McKenzie Chin Tuck: Correcting Forward Head Posture for Mewing

Dr. Mike Mew demonstrating the McKenzie chin tuck mewing exercise with before and after facial comparison images.

In an era dominated by screens and sedentary lifestyles, forward head posture has become a prevalent issue.

This posture problem, often exacerbated by prolonged sitting at desks, driving, or frequent use of smartphones and tablets, can lead to neck strain and misalignment.

The McKenzie Chin Tuck exercise emerges as a simple yet effective solution to combat this issue.


Understanding Forward Head Posture

Side by side images showing improper foward head posture vs proper posture.

Forward head posture is characterized by the extension of the neck forward, disrupting the alignment of the head with the shoulders and spine.

This misalignment can lead to various problems, including neck pain, decreased mobility, and aesthetic concerns.

Forward head posture can also contribute to headaches, fatigue, and even breathing difficulties over time.

The shift in head position places additional strain on the cervical spine and surrounding muscles, exacerbating discomfort and potential health issues.

To ensure you're practicing mewing effectively, it's crucial to maintain the correct body posture and head posture.

Learn more about achieving optimal posture with our essential tips.


The McKenzie Chin Tuck Exercise Explained

Dr. Mike Mew demonstrating the McKenzie Chin Tuck exercise on a patient.

The McKenzie Chin Tuck exercise is designed to realign the neck with the body, thereby correcting forward head posture. Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing this exercise:

  1. Start Against a Wall: Stand with your back and bottom touching a wall. Your shoulders don’t need to touch the wall, as this might be uncomfortable for some. This initial position helps ensure that your spine is straight and aligned.

  2. Position Your Feet: Move your feet forward so they are less than a foot away from the wall. This foot placement provides stability and helps maintain the correct posture throughout the exercise.

  3. Use a Piece of Paper: Place a piece of paper behind your head, ensuring a point on the back of your head touches the wall. You can slide the paper up the wall to guide your movement. This technique helps you visualize the movement and maintain consistency.

  4. Perform the Movement: Imagine the paper is pulling your head up towards the ceiling. Concurrently, tuck your chin in towards your neck. You should feel a stretch in the neck muscles. This action strengthens the neck muscles and aligns the cervical spine.

  5. Repetitions: Do 20 repetitions of this exercise. Make the last few repetitions last for around five seconds each. Regular practice enhances the effectiveness of the exercise and helps ingrain the correct posture.


The Benefits of the McKenzie Chin Tuck

Correcting Forward Head Posture

The primary benefit of the McKenzie Chin Tuck is its ability to correct forward head posture. By consistently performing this exercise, you can realign your neck with your spine, reducing strain and improving your overall posture. Correct posture not only alleviates neck pain but also enhances the appearance of your profile, making you look taller and more confident.

Reducing Neck Pain

Forward head posture can lead to chronic neck pain. The McKenzie Chin Tuck helps in alleviating this pain by strengthening the neck muscles and reducing the pressure on the cervical spine. By addressing the root cause of the pain, this exercise offers a long-term solution rather than just temporary relief.

Improving Appearance

Correct posture significantly impacts your appearance. Forward head posture can make you look slouched and tired. By incorporating the McKenzie Chin Tuck into your daily routine, you can improve your posture and appearance. A well-aligned neck and spine create a more youthful and energetic look, boosting your confidence.


Integrating the McKenzie Chin Tuck into Daily Life

Side-by-side comparison of a man with correct and incorrect posture, illustrating the impact on height and spinal alignment.

Versatility of the Exercise

One of the great benefits of this exercise is its adaptability. You can perform it in various settings: against a wall, sitting in a chair, in a car, on a train or plane. There is no excuse not to practice the McKenzie Chin Tuck. It’s especially effective during meal times, providing a regular opportunity to practice. Integrating the exercise into daily activities ensures that you consistently maintain proper posture.

Long-Term Benefits and Consistency

Correcting posture is a gradual process. Regular practice of the McKenzie Chin Tuck can lead to noticeable improvements in posture and neck alignment over time. The chin tuck can make mewing easier, as proper posture leads to an easier time engaging the back third of the tongue on the palate. However, it’s important to maintain consistency and patience, as immediate results are unlikely. Long-term dedication to this exercise can yield significant benefits for both posture and overall health.


Additional Tips for Effective Posture Correction

Combining with Mewing

Before and after illustration showing changes in the throat and nasal passage with proper posture.

Incorporating mewing techniques can enhance the effectiveness of the McKenzie Chin Tuck. Proper tongue posture against the roof of the mouth helps in maintaining overall body alignment, further supporting the benefits of the chin tuck. Mewing, combined with the chin tuck, can contribute to better facial aesthetics and respiratory health.

Ergonomic Adjustments

Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically friendly. Adjust your chair, desk, and monitor to promote a natural, upright posture. This will reduce the likelihood of falling back into poor posture habits. An ergonomic setup minimizes strain on the neck and back, supporting the effects of the McKenzie Chin Tuck.

Regular Breaks

Take regular breaks from sitting or screen time. Standing up, stretching, and walking around every hour can help prevent the onset of forward head posture. Incorporating short, frequent breaks into your routine keeps your muscles active and reduces tension.



The McKenzie Chin Tuck exercise offers a practical solution to address the increasingly common issue of forward head posture. Its simplicity and adaptability make it an ideal practice for individuals of all ages and lifestyles.

By incorporating this exercise into your daily routine, you can work towards better neck alignment, improved posture, and potentially alleviate related discomfort.

With consistency and dedication, the McKenzie Chin Tuck can become a cornerstone of your posture improvement regimen, enhancing both your health and appearance.

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