Mewing and the Midpalatal Suture: Is Splitting Possible?

Images showing the midpalatal suture split.
The midpalatal suture is the joint located in the roof of the mouth that can potentially widen the upper jaw when split. There’s growing speculation about whether mewing—the practice of tongue posture against the roof of the mouth—can influence this suture.
Some people believe that mewing can split the midpalatal suture, while others argue that it's only possible with mechanical intervention, such as palatal expanders or Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MSE).
This article will explore if mewing can truly split the midpalatal suture, the potential benefits, and why certain methods are more reliable.

Can Mewing Split the Midpalatal Suture?

While mewing is an excellent tool for improving tongue posture and potentially enhancing facial structure over time, the ability to split the midpalatal suture with mewing is highly debated. Some individuals claim that, through consistent practice of mewing, they have experienced a diastema—a gap between their two upper front teeth—suggesting the suture may have split.

Two images of mewers who have achieved a split of the midpalatal suture with mewing.
Two Cases of Mewing causing a suture split

However, this occurrence is extremely rare and more common in children or teenagers, whose sutures have not yet fully fused. By adulthood, the suture becomes ossified and unlikely to split without external intervention, making it improbable that mewing alone can achieve this.


Midpalatal Suture Expansion with Palatal Expanders and MSE

Xrays showing the midpalatal suture split using mse.

Palatal expanders are orthodontic devices designed to apply pressure to the midpalatal suture, leading to a gradual widening of the palate. This process is much more reliable than mewing for splitting the suture, particularly in younger individuals.

MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander) is even more effective because it’s surgically anchored to the bone, applying greater force. It’s commonly used in cases where the suture has fused in adulthood, allowing controlled and predictable expansion of the palate.

Benefits of Midpalatal Suture Expansion:

  • Improved Airflow: Expanding the palate increases the size of the nasal passage, improving breathing and reducing issues like sleep apnea.
  • Better Facial Symmetry: Widening the palate helps balance facial proportions, particularly in the upper jaw.
  • Wider Smile: Palatal expansion can create a broader, more aesthetically pleasing smile by giving teeth more space.


The Role of Age in Midpalatal Suture Expansion

The age factor plays a significant role in whether the midpalatal suture can be split naturally. In children and teenagers, the suture is still flexible, allowing for easier manipulation through orthodontic devices. However, by the time you reach adulthood, the midpalatal suture becomes fused and more rigid, requiring surgical assistance like MSE for effective expansion.


Thumbpulling and Midpalatal Suture Expansion

Some people have reported success in splitting the midpalatal suture using a controversial technique known as thumbpulling, where the thumbs apply pressure to the roof of the mouth. While there are claims of achieving expansion through this method, it is not scientifically supported and poses significant risks.

We do not recommend attempting thumbpulling, as it can lead to dental damage, stress on the jaw joints, and potential long-term harm to your facial structure. Proven orthodontic methods like palatal expanders and MSE are much safer and more effective.


Conclusion: Can Mewing Split the Midpalatal Suture?

While some individuals claim to have split their midpalatal suture through mewing, this is extremely rare and unlikely in most cases, especially in adults. Reliable methods like palatal expanders and MSE are much more effective for splitting the suture and expanding the palate, especially when facial aesthetics and health benefits like improved airflow and facial symmetry are the goals.

If you’re interested in achieving significant changes to your facial structure, consult an orthodontist about the most suitable options rather than relying solely on mewing or experimental techniques like thumbpulling.

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